Check List Points:
1. Architectural drawing showing lift shaft size and orientation of shaft with reference to
manufacturers requirements and required depth of pits.
2. Latest approved RCC drawings.
3. Check whether base water proofing is done.
4. Check size, diagonal, plumb, support and depth below level required by lift manufacturers.
5.Check grade of concrete and reinforcement.
6. Centers of raft, pardi, covering for raft and pardi.
7. Check for lift door opening to be provided in lift pardi wall.
8. Water proofing on sides of lift pardi up to plinth level.
9. Hacking to concrete surface.
10. Cubes with identification marks.
11. Curing for minimum 10 days.
12. Cube tests on 7 and 28 days with related slump.
Records : Consumption Statement.
I hope this check list points will be helpful for every site Engineer.
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